Free projects to registered users.
ASP.NET Core 8.0 - Cookies And Claims Project
ASP.NET Core 6.0 - Hosted SingleUser Class Lib Project
Get KH Authenticator Now!

.NET MAUI App for Windows and Android
Online Registration and Authentication
No Password Or Email Address Required!
This site is a Progressive Web App which implements Razor Pages rather than MVC. I upgraded the site using ASP.NET Core v8.0, Bootstrap v5, and Native JavaScript for Bootstrap. See ASP.NET Core 5.0 - Migrate To Bootstrap v5. Themes provided by Free themes for Bootstrap. This site implements Microsoft. AspNetCore. Identity and requires the user to confirm their email before logging in.
Articles and projects can be filtered with a target framework dropdown. The project details page has links to screenshots and a list of related articles. The article index has the target framework dropdown, keyword (tag) filters, and a dropdown of all articles listed alphabetically.
I enjoy writing these articles. It often enhances and clarifies my coding. I create research projects to analyze and compose my articles before I publish them. The research projects are the result of a lot of refactoring and are provided with a MIT license. Thank you for supporting my efforts.